Do your

Use this retirement calculator to work out how much more you need to set aside monthly from now on to afford the retirement you want. Please fill in all fields for your result. You can change any field and the result will be automatically updated.

First, please share with us:

Your age (years old)

When you intend to retire (years old)

How many years of retirement funding you’ll need (years)

How much you aim to save per month from now until your retirement starts

How much savings you expect to have at the start of retirement

How much you expect to spend per month during retirement

Inflation rate

Inflation rate

  • Low : 2.0% – 3.0%
  • Medium : 4.0% – 5.0%
  • High : 6.0% above


Annual rate of return on investment

Expected annual rate of return

  • Defensive – 2.1%
  • Conservative – 4.2%
  • Balanced – 6.0%
  • Growth – 7.9%
  • Aggressive – 9.7%


You will need to save an additional


per month to afford the retirement you want.


You are saving enough
to afford the retirement you want.

Disclaimer: This retirement calculatoris intended to be used for illustrative purposes only and have not been tailored to your specific investment objectives, financial information and particular needs. The results are based on the information provided by you. It is not and does not constitute or form part of any offer, recommendation, invitation or solicitation to subscribe to or to enter into any transaction, and should not be viewed as such. This shall not be regarded as an estimation, advice or recommendation by the Bank. You should not rely on this report to make any investment decision and you shall seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase any product for your retirement purposes. The Bank shall not be liable for any error and/or loss suffered arising from or in connection with any use or reliance on this calculator.