Wogi Digital Voucher

Learn more on how you can redeem your e-voucher.

How to redeem Wogi digital voucher

Received an email from [email protected] and not sure whether it’s legitimate?
  • First, check whether you’ve participated in any of the campaign(s).
  • If you’ve participated in the campaign and the email you’ve received is similar to the sample, it is indeed a legitimate email.
  • Simply click the ‘Open’ button to view more details on the voucher.

More information

  • If you have any enquiries on the digital voucher, you may email Wogi at [email protected].
  • DBS makes no warranty or representation as to the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the Wogi’s products and services.
  • Any dispute about the same must be resolved directly with Wogi.
  • Wogi’s terms of use and privacy policies apply.
  • DBS is not an agent of the merchant or vice versa.
  • DBS shall not be liable for any loss, injury, claim or damage suffered or incurred as a result of the use of Wogi’s goods and services or redemption or usage of the gifts.

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