Fixed Deposit Placement
Learn how you can make DBS Fixed Deposit Placements via digibank online and digibank mobile.
Important information
- DBS Fixed Deposit allows you to place both SGD and Foreign currency within the same account.
- The minimum placement amount and period are:
- For SGD Fixed Deposit, the minimum amount is S$1,000, with a choice of tenors from 1 month onwards.
- For Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit, the minimum amount is S$5,000 equivalent, with a choice of tenors from 1 day onwards.
- For Premier Income Accounts, the minimum amount is S$10,000, with a choice of tenors from 6 months onwards. The interest rate will be 0.10% above the posted interest rate and auto added to the board rate reflected, applicable only to SGD placements.
- Upon maturity, the Fixed Deposit placement (including interest) will be renewed automatically based on the same tenor at the prevailing interest rate, unless you provide us with other instructions at least 1 working day before the maturity via digibank.
- SGD Fixed Deposit interest rates for new placements and renewals will be computed based on the Total SGD Fixed Deposit Balances, instead of each placement and/or renewal.
My Fixed Deposit account has 2 placements which sum up to S$100,000 (S$30,000 + S$70,000). What is the applicable interest rate for each renewal?
The total Fixed Deposit account balance is S$100,000 (S$30,000 + S$70,000). Hence, interest rate corresponding to the $100,000 - $249,999 range will apply.
I have an existing placement of S$50,000 in my single name Fixed Deposit account and another S$50,000 in a joint Fixed Deposit account. What is the applicable interest rate for each renewal?
The placements are in different SGD Fixed Deposit accounts. Hence, interest rate corresponding to the $50,000 - $99,999 range will apply for each renewal.
My Fixed Deposit account has 2 placements which sum up to S$100,000 (S$30,000 + S$70,000). What is the applicable interest rate for each renewal?
- Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit interest rates for new placements and renewals will be based on prevailing interest rates.
- For more information on Rates, click here.
How to make a Fixed Deposit placement
digibank online
digibank mobile

Placement via digibank mobile
Steps to make a fixed deposit placement
Click on numbers to view screens.
More information
- SGD fixed deposit placements are available from 3.00 am to 11.30 pm daily, and on the last working day of the month from 3.00 am to 8.30 pm.
- Foreign currency transactions are available during working days from 9 am to 9 pm (SG local time). On the last working day of each month, foreign currency transactions are available from 9 am to 8.30 pm. Working days are from Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays.
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