Use the VTMs located at some of our branches for services such as personal particulars updates (e.g. mobile number, signature) and card replacements. Click here to find out more.
What’s the difference between residential and mailing address?
Residential address is the address where you currently live whereas mailing address is where you like to receive your statements and/or bank correspondences (if any).
How long does it take for my details to be updated?
Most of the updates will take effect immediately with some exceptions (e.g. non-working days, cut-off times). More details on the processing time will be shown when you perform the update.
Is there any manual form I can download to update my personal particulars?
No, mail-in forms are no longer available. You may update your particulars via digibank. Alternatively, you may explore other options here.
I’ve been notified that my bank statement/letter was returned as my mailing address is invalid. What do I do?
Please update your latest mailing address for your statements/letters to be sent to your new address. If you’re applying for a new Debit or Credit Card, please submit a new card replacement request after performing the address update.